For the Purely Lazy

The Low Down

  • Looking at Lazy Evaluation in the purely functional language Haskell.
  • All about the lazy, purity just along for the ride.
  • Wat is Lazy Evaluation?
  • What is it good for?
  • What are the gotchas?

Evaluation strategies

Eager or Lazy

  • In Haskell like languages evaluation is reducing expressions to their simplest form.

    (5 + 4 - 2) * (5 + 4 - 2) ⇒ 49
  • Two options when expression includes function application.

    square (5 + 4 - 2) ⇒ 49
    • Reduce arguments first (Innermost reduction / Eager Evaluation)

      square (5 + 4 - 2) ⇒ square(7) ⇒ 7 * 7 ⇒ 49
    • Apply function first (Outermost reduction / Lazy Evaluation)

      square (5 + 4 - 2) ⇒ (5 + 4 - 2) * (5 + 4 - 2) ⇒ 7 * 7 ⇒ 49
  • Final answer == expression in normal form
    49 is the normal form of square (5 + 4 - 2)

  • Eager also called strict.

  • Lazy also called non-strict (sort of)

    • Lazy is non-strict but non-strict is not necessarily Lazy.
    • Haskell requires non-strictness
    • Most implementations are Lazy

Lazy is a bit more involved

  • Outermost reduction
  • Only evaluate as needed
    • Not to normal form
    • To head normal form / weak head normal form
    • Outer most constructor
  • Shares sub expressions when expanding
square (5 + 4)
let x = 5 + 4 in square x
⇒ x * x
let x = 7 in x * x
(5,square (5 + 4))
let a = 5, b = square (5 + 4) in (a,b)

Whats the difference


fst (a, b) = a
fst (0, square (5 + 4))


fst (0, square (5 + 4))
fst (0, square 9)
fst (0, 9 * 9)


fst (0, square (5 + 4))
let a = 0, b = square (5 + 4) in fst (a, b)
⇒ a

Lazy never evaluated
square (5 + 4) where eager did.


fst (0, ⊥)


fst (0, ⊥)
⇒ ⊥


fst (0, ⊥)
let a = 0, b =in fst (a, b)
⇒ a
  • In the presence of bottom (⊥, undefined / non termination)
  • Lazy evaluation can still return a result
  • Lazy version never evaluated the ⊥ argument.

Lazy always best! Well no.

  • Lazy evaluation has a bookkeeping overhead
  • Unevaluated expression builds up in memory
  • Eager is not always better than Lazy
  • Lazy is not always better than Eager
  • Just a note, technically primitive operations in GHC are not lazy.

The Good, The Bad and The Smugly

The Good and Bad


  • More efficient ?
    • This is a red herring.
    • It could be or it couldn’t.
  • Modularity!
  • Efficient tricks for pure languages.
    • Again ? Contradiction ? Nope.
    • Memoization preserving purity and abstraction.
    • Caching preserving purity and abstraction.


  • Difficult to reason about time and space usage.
    • Time ? Not sold.
      • Lazy O(n) <= Eager O(n)
      • When is the cost? Latency is a concern.
    • Space ?
      • Unfortunately yes.
      • The dreaded space leak.
  • Parallel unfriendly

So Don’t be Smug

  • Laziness is not a silver bullet.
  • Laziness is not a scarlet letter.
  • Most eager languages have lazy constructs.
  • Most lazy languages have eager constructs.


Lazy Aids Composition

  • From Why Functional Programming Matters
  • Can structured whole programs as function composition
  • (f . g) input == f (g input)
  • g only consumes input as f needs it.
  • f knows nothing of g
  • g knows nothing of f
  • When f terminates g terminates
  • Allows termination conditions to be separated from loop bodies.
  • Can modularise as generators and selectors.

Lazy Composition Sqrt

  • Example from Why Functional Programming Matters
  • Newton-Raphson to calculate square root approximation.
  • One function generates sequence of approximations.
  • Two options to chose when approximation is good enough.
    • Don’t care approximations to what.
  • Can to give different square root approximations.
  • Paper expands on examples of Laziness aiding composition.
-- Generate a sqrt sequence of operations using Newton-Raphson
nextSqrtApprox n x = (x + n/x) / 2
-- iterate f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...]
sqrtApprox n = iterate (nextSqrtApprox n) (n/2)
-- element where the difference with previous is below threshold
within eps (a:b:bs) | abs(a-b) <= eps = b
                    | otherwise = within eps (b:bs)
-- Calculate approximate sqrt using within
withinSqrt eps n = within eps (sqrtApprox n)
-- element where ratio with previous is close to 1
relative eps (a:b:bs) | abs(a-b) <= eps * abs b = b
                      | otherwise = relative eps (b:bs)
-- Calculate approximate sqrt using relative
relativeSqrt eps n = within eps (sqrtApprox n)

Caveats about Lazy Composition

  • When using Lazy IO
    • Promptness of resource finalization is a problem
  • Use libraries libraries like

Lazy Tricks


  • Use Laziness to incrementally build the list of all Fibonacci numbers.
  • The list refers to itself to reuse calculations.
  • The list is in constant applicative form (CAF) so is memoized
  • See Haskell wiki for more tricks using infinite data structures to memoize functions.
fib_list :: [Integer]
fib_list = 0:1:1:2:[n2 + n1| (n2, n1) <-
                    zip (drop 2 fib_list) (drop 3 fib_list)]
fib_best :: Int -> Integer
fib_best n = fib_list !! n

GHCi with timing

*Main> 5 < fib_best 100000
(0.86 secs, 449258648 bytes)
*Main> 5 < fib_best 100001
(0.02 secs, 0 bytes)


  • So you have some data/results and some expensive queries against it.
  • You want to perform the queries only when they are needed.
  • You want to perform the queries only once.
  • You must preserve purity.
  • What do you do?
  • Perform the queries and store in the data structure.
  • Laziness means they will only be evaluated once and only when needed.
  • Canned example using really expensive fib.
  • Fibber is some Num type you can do math on.
  • You can ask it for the resultant value of the Fibonacci number.
  • You wont export the constructor.
fib_worst :: Int -> Integer
fib_worst 0 = 0
fib_worst 1 = 1
fib_worst 2 = 1
fib_worst n = fib_worst(n-2) + fib_worst(n-1)

data Fibber = Fibber{fibNum :: Int, fibValue :: Integer}
makeFibber :: Int -> Fibber
makeFibber a = Fibber a (fib_worst a)
instance Eq Fibber where a == b = fibNum a == fibNum b
instance Ord Fibber where a <= b = fibNum a <= fibNum b
instance Show Fibber where show a = show . fibNum $ a
instance Num Fibber where
    a + b = makeFibber (fibNum a + fibNum b)
    a * b = makeFibber (fibNum a * fibNum b)
    abs = makeFibber . abs . fibNum
    signum = makeFibber . signum . fibNum
    fromInteger = makeFibber . fromInteger
    negate = makeFibber . negate . fibNum


*Main> let fibber30 = makeFibber 30
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
*Main> let fibber25 = makeFibber 25
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
*Main> fibValue (fibber30 - fibber25)
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
*Main> fibValue fibber30
(1.22 secs, 127472744 bytes)
*Main> fibValue fibber30
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
*Main> fibValue fibber25
(0.11 secs, 10684624 bytes)

Time and Space

Times up

Space Leaks

  • Space Leak - program / expression uses more memory than required.
    • Memory is eventually released
    • You think it will run in constant memory but it doesn’t
    • Building up unevaluated thunks.
    • Unnecessarily keeping reference to data alive.
  • Memory leak - program allocates memory that is never reclaimed.
  • Pure Haskell code can only be able to Space Leak (no Memory Leak).
  • Most other Haskell code should only be able to Space Leak (mostly no Memory Leak).

Examples from “Leaking Space”

Some space leak examples from Leaking Space - Eliminating memory hogs

Lazy evaluation will keep dead alive until evaluation of xs is forced.

xs = delete "dead" ["alive", "dead"]

One form of space leak results from adding to and removing from lists but never evaluating (to reduce).

xs = let xs' = delete "dead" ["alive", "dead"] in xs' `seq` xs'
  • Why not always strict/eager.
    • Composition.
    • Composing strictly requires arguments to be evaluated fully.
    • sum [1..n] will consume O(n) space when evaluated strictly.
    • sum [1..n] should consume O(1) space when evaluated lazily (implementation).
    • Usually easier to introduce strictness when lazy than laziness when strict.

This definition is O(n) space.
List is not actually kept in memory
Accumulates (+) operations.

sum1 (x:xs) = x + sum1 xs
sum1 [] = 0

This definition is O(n) space.
Also accumulates (+) operations.

sum2 xs = sum2’ 0 xs
       sum2’ a (x:xs) = sum2’ (a+x) xs
       sum2’ a [] = a

This definition is O(1) space.

sum3 xs = sum3’ 0 xs
       sum3’ !a (x:xs) = sum3’ (a+x) xs
       sum3’ !a [] = a

With optimizations in GHC sum2 may be transformed into sum3 during strictness analysis.
The article has more examples of space leaks.

When Strictness can make things slow

  • Maybe one should just throw strictness in everywhere
  • Something I did not know. Pattern matches are strict.
  • Example from Haskell Wiki
  • Strict pattern match forces all recursive calls to splitAt
-- Strict
splitAt_sp n xs = ("splitAt_lp " ++ show n) $
  if n<=0
    then ([], xs)
      case xs of
        [] -> ([], [])
        y:ys ->
          case splitAt_lp' (n-1) ys of
            -- pattern match is strict
            (prefix, suffix) -> (y : prefix, suffix)
-- Lazy
splitAt_lp n xs = ("splitAt_lp " ++ show n) $
  if n<=0
    then ([], xs)
      case xs of
        [] -> ([], [])
        y:ys ->
          case splitAt_lp' (n-1) ys of
            -- pattern match is lazy
            ~(prefix, suffix) -> (y : prefix, suffix)


*Main> sum . take 5 . fst . splitAt_sp 10000000 $ repeat 1
(20.78 secs, 3642437376 bytes)
*Main> sum . take 5 . fst . splitAt_lp 10000000 $ repeat 1
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)

What to do with thorny space leaks

  • Pinpoint leaks using GHC’s profiling tools.
  • For some domains libraries exist that eliminate large classes of space leaks by design

Further reading