Let the compiler do the talking
Parse data from a CSV file
Group and aggregate
Minimize mechanical and algorithmic code
Leverage type classes and GHC genericsWriting code is buggy
Type Classes give ad hoc polymorphism
Generics give you data-type generic programming
Generics + Type Classes + library authors == code for free
Type Classes + laws == correctness for free
GHC can derive many type classes for youIt is a type with an associative binary operation that has an identity,
The binary operator is
called <>
The identity is called
x <> mempty = x
right identitymempty <> x = x
left identityx <> (y <> z) = (x <> y) <> z
, *
with 1
, ++
Its is Monoid without mempty
Useful to declaratively group and aggregate columnar data
In this example we will take airplane crashes since 1908 from https://dev.socrata.com/foundry/opendata.socrata.com/q2te-8cvq and aggregate some statistics by different columns.
The language extensions we will be using
The libraries we will be using
-- base
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
-- cassava
import Data.Csv
-- generic-deriving
import Generics.Deriving.Semigroup
-- hable
import qualified Hable
-- rio
import RIO
import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified RIO.Char as Char
import qualified RIO.List as List
import qualified RIO.Map as Map
import qualified RIO.Text as Text
import RIO.Time
-- vector
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
Most of our columns are wrappers around simple types
-- the location column wraps "Text" and parses using its instance
newtype Location = Location {getLocation :: Text}
deriving (FromField, Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
-- the operator column wraps "Text" and parses using its instance
newtype Operator = Operator {getOperator :: Text}
deriving (FromField, Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
-- the flight number column wraps "Text" and parses using its instance
newtype FlightNumber = FlightNumber {getFlightNumber :: Text}
deriving (FromField, Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
-- the A/C type column wraps "Text" and parses using its instance
newtype AcType = AcType {getAcType :: Text}
deriving (FromField, Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
-- the fatalities column wraps "Int" and parses using its instance
newtype Fatalities = Fatalities {getFatalities :: Int}
deriving (FromField, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Num)
-- Our date column wraps "Day" but parses as Y/M/D from the CSV
newtype Date = Date {getDay :: Day}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
-- the date format definition used by the pretty printer and parser
mkDateFmt :: (TimeLocale -> String -> b) -> b
mkDateFmt f = f defaultTimeLocale "%m/%d/%Y"
-- pretty print the date in the same way that its read from the CSV
prettyDate :: Date -> String
prettyDate = mkDateFmt formatTime . getDay
-- customize the CSV parser for the date
instance FromField Date where
-- types
-- parseField :: FromField a => Field -> Parser a
-- parseTimeM
-- :: (Monad m, ParseTime t)
-- => Bool -> TimeLocale -> String -> String -> m t
-- >=> :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
parseField =
parseField >=>
( (Date <$>) . mkDateFmt (parseTimeM True) )
Next we define our row
-- the data type that represents a row in the CSV that we will parse
data CsvRow = CsvRow
{ date :: Date
, location :: Location
, operator :: Operator
, flightNumber :: Maybe FlightNumber
, acType :: AcType
, fatalities :: Maybe Fatalities
} deriving (Generic)
-- We define how to parse a CSV file making use of "genericParseNamedRecord"
-- to do this automatically for us because "CsvRow" is an instance of "Generic"
-- we only customized the definition of the labels
instance FromNamedRecord CsvRow where
parseNamedRecord =
-- types
-- genericParseNamedRecord
-- :: (Generic a, GFromNamedRecord (Rep a))
-- => Options -> NamedRecord -> Parser a
-- fieldLabelModifier :: String -> String
{ fieldLabelModifier =
"flightNumber" -> "Flight #"
"acType" -> "Type"
h:t -> Char.toUpper h : t
[] -> []
Then we define a type for the statistics we wish to collect and a way to project the statistics from the row
-- a type to represent the number of crashes reported
newtype Crashes = Crashes {getCrashes :: Int}
deriving (Num, Show, Read, Ord, Eq)
-- a data type for the statistic we want to record per row type
data Stats = Stats
{ statFirst :: Semigroup.Min Date -- lower bound Date
, statLast :: Semigroup.Max Date -- upper bound Date
, statFatalities :: Monoid.Sum Fatalities -- sum of Fatalities
, statCrashes :: Monoid.Sum Crashes -- sum of Crashes
} deriving (Generic, Show)
-- Generically derive a "Semigroup" instance for "Stats" using "Generic" and
-- the fact that each field has a "Semigroup" instance
instance Semigroup Stats where
(<>) = gsappenddefault
-- convert a CSV row into a statistic we can aggregate
rowToStats :: CsvRow -> Stats
rowToStats CsvRow { date , fatalities} =
{ statFirst = Semigroup.Min date
, statLast = Semigroup.Max date
, statFatalities = Semigroup.Sum (fromMaybe 0 fatalities)
, statCrashes = Semigroup.Sum 1
We are going to display our statistics in tabular form so we add a
function that turns a Stats
into a row of columns of
strings and also a constant for the headers of our rows
-- display a "Stats" as a row of columns of "String"
displayStatsColumns :: Stats -> [String]
displayStatsColumns =
-- types:
-- sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)
-- inferred concrete types:
-- sequence :: [Stats -> String] -> Stats -> [String]
[ prettyDate . Semigroup.getMin . statFirst
, prettyDate . Semigroup.getMax . statLast
, show . getFatalities . Semigroup.getSum . statFatalities
, show . getCrashes . Semigroup.getSum . statCrashes
-- the column headers associated with rows of columns of strings of "Stats"
statsHeaders :: [String]
statsHeaders = ["first", "last", "fatalities", "crashes"]
We define how we group statistics
-- group rows on some value aggregating statistics using some "Semigroup"
:: (Ord groupBy, Semigroup statistic)
=> (row -> Maybe (groupBy, statistic))
-> [row]
-> [(groupBy, statistic)]
aggregateStatisticsBy grouper =
-- types:
-- toList :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]
-- <> :: Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
-- fromListWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a
-- mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- :: Map a Stats -> [(a, Stats)]
Map.toList .
-- :: [(a, Stats)] -> Map a Stats
Map.fromListWith (<>) .
-- :: [CsvRow] -> [(a, Stats)]
mapMaybe grouper
We define a function that will do the grouping and displaying
-- group the CSV rows aggregating the statistics and displaying the "n" best ranked stats
:: (Ord o, Ord a)
=> (CsvRow -> Maybe (a, Stats)) -- grouping function
-> String -- grouping column header
-> (a -> String) -- display grouping column
-> (Stats -> o) -- ordering function
-> Int -- number of rows to display
-> [CsvRow] -- the CSV rows
-> String
groupAndDisplayStats grouper groupName displayGroup ordering cnt rows =
-- types:
-- hable :: Config style -> [[String]] -> String
-- take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- snd :: (a, b) -> b
-- sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
Hable.hable Hable.defaultConfig $
(groupName : statsHeaders) :
( take cnt .
-- :: [(a, Stats)] -> [[String]]
(\(g, stats) ->
displayGroup g : displayStatsColumns stats
) .
-- :: [(a, Stats)] -> [(a, Stats)]
List.sortOn (ordering . snd) .
-- :: [CsvRow] -> [(a, Stats)]
aggregateStatisticsBy grouper $
-- :: [CsvRow]
We define grouping functions with each function being very clear on which column they group.
statsByOperator :: CsvRow -> Maybe (Operator, Stats)
statsByOperator row = Just ( operator row , rowToStats row)
statsByFlightNumber :: CsvRow -> Maybe (FlightNumber, Stats)
statsByFlightNumber row = (,rowToStats row) <$> flightNumber row
statsByLocation :: CsvRow -> Maybe (Location, Stats)
statsByLocation row = Just ( location row , rowToStats row)
statsAcType :: CsvRow -> Maybe (AcType, Stats)
statsAcType row = Just ( acType row , rowToStats row)
We define ranking functions with each function being very clear which statistics are used for the ranking.
byMostFatalities :: Stats -> Down Fatalities
byMostFatalities = Down . Semigroup.getSum . statFatalities
byLeastFatalities :: Stats -> Fatalities
byLeastFatalities = Semigroup.getSum . statFatalities
bySafestToCrashWith :: Stats -> (Fatalities, Down Crashes)
bySafestToCrashWith Stats{statFatalities, statCrashes} =
(Semigroup.getSum statFatalities, Down (Semigroup.getSum statCrashes))
We end off by wiring everything together with our
main :: IO ()
main = do
csvData <- BL.readFile "./Airplane_Crashes_and_Fatalities_Since_1908.csv"
rows <-
either fail (pure . Vector.toList . snd) $ decodeByName csvData
putStrLn "5 deadliest operators"
putStr $
statsByOperator "operator" (Text.unpack . getOperator) byMostFatalities 5 rows
putStrLn "5 safest operators"
putStr $
statsByOperator "operator" (Text.unpack . getOperator) byLeastFatalities 5 rows
putStrLn "6 deadliest flight numbers"
putStr $
statsByFlightNumber "flight #" (Text.unpack . getFlightNumber) byMostFatalities 6 rows
putStrLn "4 deadliest locations"
putStr $
statsByLocation "location" (Text.unpack . getLocation) byMostFatalities 4 rows
putStrLn "5 deadliest A/C Types"
putStr $
statsAcType "A/C Type" (Text.unpack . getAcType) byMostFatalities 5 rows
putStrLn "5 best A/C Types to crash with"
putStr $
statsAcType "A/C Type" (Text.unpack . getAcType) bySafestToCrashWith 5 rows
Giving us this output
5 deadliest operators
║ operator │ first │ last │ fatalities │ crashes ║
║ Aeroflot │ 12/04/1946 │ 09/14/2008 │ 7156 │ 179 ║
║ Military - U.S. Air Force │ 08/07/1943 │ 03/31/2005 │ 3717 │ 176 ║
║ Air France │ 10/31/1933 │ 06/01/2009 │ 1734 │ 70 ║
║ American Airlines │ 12/22/1934 │ 11/12/2001 │ 1421 │ 36 ║
║ Pan American World Airways │ 01/11/1938 │ 12/21/1988 │ 1302 │ 41 ║
5 safest operators
║ operator │ first │ last │ fatalities │ crashes ║
║ American International Airways │ 08/18/1993 │ 08/18/1993 │ 0 │ 1 ║
║ Ararat Avia │ 10/21/1998 │ 10/21/1998 │ 0 │ 1 ║
║ Canadian Air Transat │ 08/24/2001 │ 08/24/2001 │ 0 │ 1 ║
║ Centurian Air Cargo │ 07/07/2008 │ 07/07/2008 │ 0 │ 1 ║
║ Hewa Bora Airways │ 04/15/2008 │ 04/15/2008 │ 0 │ 1 ║
6 deadliest flight numbers
║ flight # │ first │ last │ fatalities │ crashes ║
║ - │ 08/06/1913 │ 02/10/2005 │ 628 │ 67 ║
║ 1736/4805 │ 03/27/1977 │ 03/27/1977 │ 583 │ 1 ║
║ 123 │ 08/12/1985 │ 08/12/1985 │ 520 │ 1 ║
║ 182 │ 09/25/1978 │ 06/23/1985 │ 466 │ 2 ║
║ 191 │ 06/24/1972 │ 08/02/1985 │ 410 │ 3 ║
║ 901 │ 03/19/1960 │ 08/09/1995 │ 409 │ 6 ║
4 deadliest locations
║ location │ first │ last │ fatalities │ crashes ║
║ Tenerife, Canary Islands │ 12/07/1965 │ 04/25/1980 │ 761 │ 3 ║
║ Mt. Osutaka, near Ueno Village, Japan │ 08/12/1985 │ 08/12/1985 │ 520 │ 1 ║
║ Moscow, Russia │ 03/26/1952 │ 07/29/2007 │ 432 │ 15 ║
║ Near Moscow, Russia │ 05/18/1935 │ 07/14/2001 │ 364 │ 9 ║
5 deadliest A/C Types
║ A/C Type │ first │ last │ fatalities │ crashes ║
║ Douglas DC-3 │ 10/06/1937 │ 12/15/1994 │ 4793 │ 334 ║
║ Antonov AN-26 │ 07/14/1977 │ 10/04/2007 │ 1068 │ 36 ║
║ Douglas DC-6B │ 06/30/1951 │ 07/24/1985 │ 1055 │ 27 ║
║ Douglas C-47 │ 10/01/1942 │ 09/02/2000 │ 1046 │ 62 ║
║ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 │ 03/16/1969 │ 02/02/1998 │ 951 │ 19 ║
5 best A/C Types to crash with
║ A/C Type │ first │ last │ fatalities │ crashes ║
║ Lockheed L-1011 │ 05/05/1983 │ 07/30/1992 │ 0 │ 2 ║
║ Sikorsky S-38B │ 08/10/1934 │ 08/13/1935 │ 0 │ 2 ║
║ Airbus A-330-243 │ 08/24/2001 │ 08/24/2001 │ 0 │ 1 ║
║ Airbus A-340 │ 08/02/2005 │ 08/02/2005 │ 0 │ 1 ║
║ Airbus A.320-214 │ 03/22/1998 │ 03/22/1998 │ 0 │ 1 ║